Hello Travellers! Join Summer Program 2019 in IBI Darmajaya. We will take you to dancing with Dolphin in one of Beautiful Island in Indonesia, Teluk Kiluan.
What will you get:
✔️ Tour to Teluk Kilauan
✔️ Tour to Gigi Hiu Beach
✔️ Diving and Snorkeling
✔️ City Tour
✔️ Culinary Tour
✔️ Civil Service
✔️ Industry Visit
✔️ Learn Traditional Dance with Local
✔️ Learn one of Expensive Fabric in the World, Wastra/Batik Lampung.
What is the Price:
Only 373 USD. Include with Accomodation, Local Transportation and Meal.
For more Information, kindly email us at int.office@darmajaya.ac.id
See you in Lampung.
Hello Coffee Lovers! Join Summer Program 2019 in IBI Darmajaya. We will take you to learn Robusta Coffe, one of most expensive and tasty Coffee in the world.
What will you get:
✔️ Tour to Coffee Farm in West Lampung
✔️ Learn to Planting and Roasting with Locals farmer
✔️ Learn to blending, brewing and Drinking with Professional Barister
✔️ City Tour
✔️ Culinary Tour
✔️ Civil Service
✔️ Industry Visit
✔️ Learn Traditional Dance with Local
✔️ Learn one of Expensive Fabric in the World, Wastra/Batik Lampung.
What is the Price:
Only 373 USD. Include with Accomodation, Local Transportation and Meal.
For more Information, kindly email us at int.office@darmajaya.ac.id
See you in Lampung.
Greeting from Lampung, All students from arround the world! We have good news for you 5th INTERNATIONAL INTERNSHIP SCHOLARSHIP is now OPEN!
Join this dynamic program that designed for you to learn how to work environmentally in our Global International Office at one of the Best University in Indonesia @darmajayathebest.
What will you learn:
🔶 Learn how to Work side by Side how to deal with International Business
🔶 Help local students to gain their confident with International awarness
🔶 Socialize with Local Senior High School Students.
🔶 Learn Bahasa Indonesia and Traditional Dance of Lampung
🔶 Learn to have empathy and feeling by doing Civil Service at Local Orphan House
What will you get:
🔶 Living Allowance
🔶 Free Dormitory
🔶 Spacious Office
🔶 Free Tourism Tour
🔶 International Certificate
How to Register:
Visit www.international.darmajaya.ac.id, click IIS Menu, and follow the Instructions.
See you in Lampung!
Program International IIB Darmajaya
- Student Mobility adalah program dimana mahasiswa IIB Darmajaya bisa mendapatkan kesempatan kuliah di luar negeri selama 1 semster
- Academic Visit adalah program kunjungan belajar keluar negeri selama 2 minggu
- Darmasiswa adalah program IIB Darmajaya bersama kementerian pendidikan dan kebudayaan menyediakan beasiswa bagi mahasiswa asing untuk mengikuti program belajar Bahasa dan Budaya Indonesia di IIB Darmajaya selama 1 tahun
- Passage to ASEAN adalah perjalanan ke 3 negara ASEAN selama 2 pekan mengemban misis sosial dan budaya sekaligus jalan-jalan bertemu sahabat baru diberbagai negara dan mendapatkan sertifikat yang diakui secara internasional
- Joint Degree adalah menyelesaikan kuliah di dua negara dan mendapatkan ijazah dari dua universitas sekaligus
- Joint Research adalah pengalaman riset berskala internasional dengan pembimbing yang profesional diluar negeri
- Summer Program & International Outbound adalah salah satu program tahunan diman akmau bisa menambah wawasan internasional dan juga menambah softskill melalui berbagai aktifitas yang seru dan menyenangkan